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volumetric expansion

Consider a rectangular solid object with volume V=L1×L2×L3 at temperature T. After being raised to a temperature T+ΔT the volume of the object is given by

V + ΔV = (L1+ΔL1)×(L2+ΔL2)×(L3+ΔL3)

When one substitutes here the expressions for ΔL1, ΔL2 and ΔL3, one finds for the new volume

V + ΔV = L1×L2×L3×(1+αΔT)3 = V×(1+αΔT)3

This can be casted in the form

V + ΔV = V×{ 1+3αΔT+3(αΔT)2+(αΔT)3}

But, since αΔT<<1 one has

(αΔT)3<< (αΔT)2<< αΔT<<1

Hence, to a good approximation we may write

V + ΔV = V×{1+3αΔT}

From which we may conclude that

ΔV = 3α V ΔT

The coefficient for volumetric thermal expansion is thus to a good approximation equal to three times the linear thermal expansion coefficient.
For objects of other shapes, like a sphere the same conclusion holds.
