Isothermal-barotropic approximation
we found for the pressure gradient of a fluid the expression
dP/dy = -ρfluid g
For liquids, which are approximately incompressible,
we found that the pressure in a liquid
is proportional to the depth under the surface of the liquid.
However, for a gas we need a relation between the density
and the height y.
In the isothermal approximation one assumes that the temperature
T is the same anywhere in the gas.
As a consequence one finds that the
ideal gas law
for the volume V yields
V = NkT/P
where N represents the number of molecules.
Hence, when mmolecule is the mass of one molecule
we obtain for the mass M
of N molecules
M = N×mmolecule
For the local density of the gas results
ρgas =
M/V = (N×mmolecule)/(NkT/P)
= (mmolecule /kT) P
The pressure gradient of a gas takes the form
dP/dy = -(mmolecule g/kT) P
= -P/H
where the constant H
(remember that the temperature T
is supposed to be constant in an isothermal approximation)
is called the scale height
and is defined by
H = kT/mmolecule g
This model, when applied to the Earth's atmosphere is, furthermore,
since it assumes that the molecular composition is the same at any altitude,
whereas also the gravitational acelleration g
is taken constant.