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Equation of motion

The expression which we wrote at one of the previous pages, namely

a = -g + A×v + B×v2

is the equation of motion for an object that falls vertically in a viscous medium. The equation can be turned into a differential equation, since the acceleration is the first time derivative of the velocity:

a = dv/dt

We obtain then for the equation of motion the following expression.

dv/dt = -g + A×v + B×v2

In this expression g, A and B are supposed to be known and not dependent on the instant of time (constant in time, or just constant). Consequently, the only unknown is the velocity which is a function of time v=v(t).
How do we solve such differential equation?
In general there is no method for solving differential equations. Those which have been solved in the past centuries can be found in books, or in tables. Others are approached by numerical methods, which allow to give some insight in the structure of their possible solutions.

Here, we will study three cases:

  1.     A=B=0  
  2.     B=0  
  3.     A=0  
