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Viscous media

The drag coefficient

For fluids, like air, where regime II applies, one defines the dimensionless quantity of drag coefficient Cd by

Fres = Cd ρfluidv2S/2

For a sphere S=πr2, hence

C2 = πCd ρfluid/2

Furthermore, for a sphere Cd=0.47, whereas, moreover the density of air under normal conditions equals about 1.2 kg/m3.
From all that we may determine the pressure coefficient C2 for a spherical ball which is moving in air, namely

C2 = πCd ρfluid/2 = 0.89 kg/m3

which is the value we have used at the previous page.

We could also be interested in a relation between the quadratic coefficient B and the pressure coefficient C2. For that we must recall the definition of C2 given a few pages before. We find

mB = C2r2

The plastic ball has a mass of 0.35 kg and a radius of 10 cm. Furthermore, for B we obtained a value of about 0.025 m-1. Hence, for C2 we find then C2 = mBr-2 = 0.88 kg/m3. This is also an excellent agreement within the errors of our method and measurements.

More on drag can be found here.

solid spheres