Vertical motion
What have we learned so far?
The resistive force against motion in fluids
may be considered to
consist of
two terms,
one term, the viscous term,
linear in the velocity v,
the other term, the pressure term,
quadratic in the velocity v.
The critical velocity
two regimes.
- In regime I the velocities of the object
with respect to the fluid
are much smaller than the critical velocity.
- In regime II the velocities of the object
with respect to the fluid
are much larger than the critical velocity.
We have not discussed velocities of the object with respect to the fluid
which are of the same order of magnitude as the critical velocity.
The effect of the buoyant force
on the dynamical equations for a solid object
with density ρs
submerged in a fluid with density ρfluid,
boils down to the substitution
of the gravitational acceleration g by
Objects which are freely falling inside a fluid reach after a while
a constant terminal
with respect to the fluid.
- In regime I
the terminal velocity
with respect to the fluid of a solid spherical object
with radius r
and with density ρs is given by
vterm = 4πρsr2g(ρs-ρfluid)/3ρsC1
- In regime II
the terminal velocity
with respect to the fluid of a solid spherical object
with radius r
and with density ρs is given by
vterm =
Laminar and turbulent flow