Luso, Portugal, 2-7 September 2002


More information here.


Preliminary Program




Strongly Correlated Systems


9:00 -- 9:35 Raymond Bishop (UMIST, Manchester, UK )

"Exact Results for Some Non-Integrable Models of Interacting

Spins and Bosons"


9:35 -- 10:10 George A. Baker, Jr (Los Alamos National Laboratory,

USA) "Equation of State for a Partially Ionized Gas - On Beyond



10:10 -- 10:45 Virulh Sa-yakanit (U. Bangkok, Thailand) "Path

Integral Theory of the Electron-Plasmon Interaction in a Stronly

Correlated System"


10:45 -- 11:15 Coffee Break


11:15 -- 11:50 Masatoshi Yamamura (Kansai U., Japan) "On a

Possible Scheme of Q-Deformation of Many-Body Systems in

Time-Dependent Variational Method


Bose-Einstein Condensation and Transition to it


11:50 -- 12:25 Pierre Meystre (U. Arizona, USA) "Magnetism on

lattices of Bose-Einstein condensates"


12:25 -- 15:00 Lunch Break


15:00 -- 15:35 Siu A. Chin (Texas A&M U., USA) "Long time dynamics

of a BEC via the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation"


15:35 -- 16:10 (U. Delaware, USA) Jonathan Du Bois

"Bose-Einstein Condensation in Traps: Higher



16:10 -- 16:45 P.V.Panat (U. Pune, India) "Amplification of a Bose

- Einstein condensate by an atomic beam."


16:45 -- 17:15 Coffee Break


17:15 -- 17:50 Manuel de Llano (Mexico N.U., Mexico) "BCS and BEC

finally unified: a review"


High-Tc Superconductivity


17:50 -- 18:25 Seiya Nishiyama (Kochi U. Japan) "Resonating

Mean-Field Theoretical Approach to Two-Gap Superconductivity"




9:00 -- 9:35 Alex Abrikosov (Argonne N.L., USA) "Theory of high-Tc

layered cuprate superconductors"


9:35 -- 10:10 N.Kumar (Raman R.I., Bangalore, India) "Normal-state

c-axis resistivity in layered cuprates: A Zeno-effective



10:10 -- 10:45 Hank Miller (U. of Pretoria, South Africa)

"Generalized Statistics and High T_c Superconductivity"


10:45 -- 11:15 Coffee Break


11:15 -- 11:50 Vasily R. Shaginyan (St Petersburg U., Russia)

"Theory of high-Tc superconductivity based on the Fermion

condensation quantum phase transition"


11:50 -- 12:25 Eva Andrei (Rutgers U., USA) "Dynamics of vortex



12:25 -- 15:00 Lunch Break


Pairing and Condensation


15:00 -- 15:35 Khandker Quader (Kent S. U., USA) "Topological

aspects of paired fermion states with unconventional symmetry in

quasi-2D systems"


15:35 -- 16:10 Mahir Hussein (U. Sao Paulo, Brasil) " Collective

Dipole Excitation of Hybrid Atomic-Molecular Condensates"


16:10 -- 16:45 Yu.G. Pogorelov (U. Porto, Portugal) "Fermions

under strong repulsion: from multiconnected Fermi surface to Fermi



16:45 -- 17:15 Coffee Break


17:15 -- 17:50 Leonid Dubovskii (Kuchatov I., Russia) "Modern

Problems in Macroscopic Quantum Nucleation"


Statistical Processes


17:50 -- 18:25 Gerardo Ortiz (Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)

"Symmetry-based Mean-field theories in Quantum Statistical

Mechanics: Application to quantum phase transitions"




9:00 -- 9:35 D.H.E.Gross (H.M.I. Berlin, Germany) "Geometric

Foundation of Thermo-Statistics, Phase Transitions, Second Law of

Thermodynamics, but without Thermodynamic Limit"


9:35 -- 10:19 Angel Plastino (N.U. La Plata, Argentina) "A

Schroedinger link between non-equilibrium thermodynamics and

Information Theory"


10:10 -- 10:45 Karl E. Kuerten (U. Viena, Austria)

"Multistability, Phase Transitions and Fractal Structures in

Magnetic Multilayers with Antiferromagnetic Couplings"


10:45 -- 11:15 Coffee Break


11:15 -- 11:50 Montserrat Casas (U. Illes Balears, Palma de

Mallorca, Spain) "Quantum entanglement and maximum entropy



Physics of Atomic Clusters


11:50 -- 12:25 Joao da Providencia Jr. (U. Covilha, Portugal)

"Collective modes of the valence electrons in a spherical metal

cluster and in a void".


12:25 -- 15:00 Lunch Break -- Afternoon Free




9:00 -- 9:35 E. Suraud (U. Toulouse, France) "On simple

Self-Interaction-Corrections in Metal Clusters"


9:35 -- 10:10 Carlos Fiolhais (U. Coimbra, Portugal) "Applications

of non-local density functionals to clusters, surfaces and voids."


10:10 -- 10:45 Puru Jena (Virginia C.U. USA) "Atomic Clusters:

Looking Beyond the Periodic Table of Elements"


10:45 -- 11:15 Coffee Break


11:15 -- 11:50 Marti Pi (U. Barcelona, Spain) "Dissociation of

vertical semiconductor diatomic artificial molecules"


Topics in Nuclear Physics


11:50 -- 12:25 Steven A. Moszkowski (U. California Los Angeles,

USA) "Taming the nuclear tensor force"


12:25 -- 15:00 Lunch Break


15:00 -- 15:35 Eirene Mavrommatis (U. Athens. Greece) "Scattering

from oscillating barriers in nuclei".


15:35 -- 16:10 Feodor F. Karpeshin (St. Patersburg U., Russia)

"Complex Trajectories in Fission".


16:10 -- 16:45 F. Bary Malik (Southern Illinois U., Carbondale,

USA) "An inverse scattering theory at a fixed energy and pion-40Ca

potential using the Klein-Gordon equation"


16:45 -- 17:15 Coffee Break


17:15 -- 17:50 Janusz Dabrowski (Warsaw U., Poland) "Sigma^- atoms

and Sigma N interaction"


17:50 -- 18:25 Constanca Providencia, (U. Coimbra, Portugal),

"Neutron rich matter within a relativistic mean-field theory"




Quantum Biophysics


9:00 -- 9:35 Jean-Francois Joanny (I. Curie, Paris, France)

"Crawling of nematode sperm cells induced by a gel concentration



9:35 -- 10:10 John Clark (Washington U. St. Louis, USA) "The Small

World of the Worm C. Elegans"


10:10 -- 10:45 Manfred L.Ristig (U. Cologne, Germany) "Calcium

Oscillations in Living Cells"


10:45 -- 11:15 Coffee Break


11:15 -- 11:50 Henrik Bohr (D.T.U., Lyngby, Denmark) "Quantum

wires in biomolecules"


Hall Effect


11:50 -- 12:25 Shigeji Fujita (Buffalo U., USA) "A unified theory

of the Quantum Hall Effect and the High Temperature



12:25 -- 15:00 Lunch Break


15:00 -- 15:35 Albert Overhauser (Purdue U., USA) "Microscopic

Theory of the Induced-Torque Anomalies of Potassium."


15:35 -- 16:10 John J Quinn (U. Tennessee, Knoxville, USA) "Bound

States of Spin Excitations and Valence Band Holes: Novel Excitonic

Complexes in Quantum Hall Systems"


Transport Phenomena


16:10 -- 16:45 Mukunda Das (Australian N. U., Australia)

"Mesoscopic electron transport"


16:45 -- 17:15 Coffee Break


17:15 -- 17:50 Michisuke Kobayashi (Niigata U., Japan) "Molecular

dynamics studies of layered fluoride superionic conductors"


17:50 -- 18:25 Toshitake Kohmura (Josai U., Japan) "Mean-field

States and Collective Tunneling Transitions".




9:00 -- 9:35 Vesa Apaja (J.K.U. Linz, Austria) "Quantum sticking,

scattering, and transmission of atoms from 4He films and slabs"


Quantum Fluids


9:35 -- 10:10 Eckhard Krotscheck (J.K.U. Linz, Austria) "2

particle - 2 hole excitations in Fermi fluids"


10:10 -- 10:45 Susana Hernandez (U. Buenos Aires, Argentina)

"Quantum Fluids in cylindrical confinement"


10:45 -- 11:15 Coffee Break


11:15 -- 11:50 Ferran Mazzanti (U. Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Spain)

"High momentum response of pure liquid helium 3"


11:50 -- 12:25 Jesus Navarro (U. Valencia, Spain)

"Non-homogeneous liquid helium in two dimensions"