International Workshop


Hadron Physics

Effective Theories of Low Energy QCD

10-15 September, 1999

University of Coimbra, Portugal




The purpose of the workshop, organized by the Centro de Física Teórica (Coimbra, Portugal), is to provide a meeting place for discussion of recent developments in Hadron Physics, particularly in Effective Theories of Low Energy QCD.

The program includes invited talks and contributed talks, and will cover the following topics:



The workshop will be held at the campus of the University of Coimbra. Coimbra is a historic city with many intersting sites. The University is one of the oldest of Europe (founded in 1290). It has several rich science museums, in particular a magnificent Physics Museum with an impressive collection of instruments of the 18th and 19th centuries.

The workshop will take place in September 1999 from Friday the 10th, 09h30m until Wednesday the 15th, 12h30m. Participants are expected to arrive on Thursday, September 9th, and leave on Wednesday 15th in the afternoon. Sunday the 12th will be free, with an organized excursion.



Participation is by invitation or registration. The organizers will support the stay of invited speakers. In general it will not be possible to support travel expenses. However we will try to get funds to provide travel expenses in special cases.



The preferred method of registration is by e-mail using the registration form. Since the number of participants is limited, early registration is recommended.

The registration fee is 175.00 EUR. Acceptable forms of payments are Eurocheque, traveller checks or cash. Credit cards are not accepted.

The registration fee covers the book of abstracts, coffee breaks, the workshop dinner and the Proceedings.



Information concerning hotels is found on the reservation form. Please, fill and return this form as soon as possible, as preferences will be attended to on a "first come first serve" basis.



The dead line for registration and submission of abstracts is May 31, 1999.



Participants are invited to present contributions at the workshop. Abstracts of contributions (one page) should be written using this LaTeX sample file, which, together with this figure, produces this sample PostScript document. Electronic submission to the e-mail address of the conference is strongly recommended, preferably as a PostScript (.PS) or .PDF file attachment. Should this not be possible, send a camera-ready paper copy by regular mail.

The collection of abstracts will be made available to the participants upon arrival and will also appear at the workshop web site. The contributions selected for oral presentation will be published in the Proceedings.



The Proceedings of the Workshop will be published by the American Institute of Physics. The dead line for articles to be published in the Proceedings is November 1.



The social program includes an excursion on Sunday the 12th (to historical places and the sea-side), a dinner in Palácio de S. Marcos, and a visit to the Physics Museum. The reservation form includes the possibility to register for the excursion. The number of accompanying persons interested in the conference dinner should also be indicated there.




ADDRESS: Centro de Física Teórica, Universidade de Coimbra, P-3004-516 Coimbra, Portugal

Telephone (351) 239 410 600, Fax (351) 239 829 158





J. da Providência (Coimbra), Chair

E. van Beveren (Coimbra)

A. H. Blin * (Coimbra)

L. P. Brito (Coimbra)

B. Hiller * (Coimbra)

C. Providência (Coimbra)

J. P. Providência (Coimbra)

M. C. Ruivo * (Coimbra)

C. A. Sousa * (Coimbra)

* Scientific Secretaries



W. Broniowski (Cracow)

M. Jaminon (Liège)

A.A. Osipov (Dubna)

G. Ripka (Saclay)

M.C. Ruivo (Coimbra)

H. Walliser (Siegen)




J. Bijnens (Copenhagen) Models of low energy effective theory applied to Kaon nonleptonic decays and other matrix elements not confirmed

M.C. Birse (Manchester) A renormalization group treatment of two-body scattering

D. Blaschke (Rostock) Hadron properties and Deconfinement in the Quark Matter Phase Diagram

W. Broniowski (Cracow) Meson correlation functions in non-local quark models

D. Ebert (Berlin) Confining properties and string representation of dual superconductor type of gauge models

A.V. Efremov (Dubna) How could quark polarization be measured

W. Florkowski (Cracow) In-medium meson correlators

S.B. Gerasimov (Dubna) On valence gluons in vector quarkonia: implication for spectra and decays

K. Goeke (Bochum) Deeply virtual lepton scattering and the chiral quark soliton model

M. Jaminon (Liège) Brief review of modified versions of the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model

S. Klevansky (Heidelberg) Pion polarizabilities in different chiral models

T. Kunihiro (Ryukoku) The sigma meson and chiral restoration in the hot and/or dense nuclear matter

J.A. McGovern (Manchester) On the absence of fifth-order contributions to the nucleon mass in chiral perturbation theory

U.-G. Meissner (Jülich) Chiral structure of the nucleon

P.J. Mulders (Amsterdam) Structure of hadrons measured in hard processes

W.L. van Neerven (Leiden) Heavy flavor contributions to QCD sum rules and the running coupling constant

M.C. Nemes (Belo Horizonte) Meson properties in a renormalizable version of the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model

A.A. Osipov (Dubna) Chiral expansions in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model

H. Reinhardt (Tübingen) Magnetic monopoles, vortices and confinement

G. Ripka (Saclay) Survey of baryon models

E. Ruiz Arriola (Granada) Chiral and scale anomalies in non-local quark effective theories

J. Schechter (Syracuse) Low energy meson scattering and a possible light scalar nonet

D.V. Shirkov (Dubna) The invariant analyzation approach to low-energy perturbation QCD

A. Smilga (Nantes) QCD at theta close to pi.

I. Stancu (Liège) Multiquark systems in a Goldstone boson exchange model

M.K. Volkov (Dubna) Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with infrared confinement

H. Walliser (Siegen) Baryons as solitons, open questions


Other invited speakers have been contacted, we are awaiting answer.



This Zip file contains a collection of the available abstracts, mostly as LaTeX and some as Postscript files, named according to the last name of the submitting author (not necessarily the first author). The conference poster can be downloaded here as a PostScript file (1.6MB).

Click on workshop program to see the schedule of the talks.



Some useful travel information how to get from Lisbon or Porto to Coimbra and the hotel addresses are found here.

last updated 1999.11.08