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Viscous media

solid spheres

In his lecture on viscosity
Walter Lewin measures the terminal velocity vterm
of various metal bearing balls of different diameters, but of the same density,
falling vertically in a container filled with Karo light corn syrup.

The diameters of the metal bearing balls are so accurate that Walter Lewin does not indicate the experimental errors on them. For the measurements of the time that each ball bearing takes for a vertical displacement of 4.0 cm, Walter Lewin gives varying experimental errors, depending on whether that takes several seconds, or just a few. In the table which is shown below, we have collected his results.

   time (s)   
 vterm=(4 cm)/time 
 vterm / diameter2 
vterm / √diameter
0.125 inch
5.66 - 5.93
0.69±0.02 cm/s
44±1 cm/s/inch2
 1.95±0.05 cm/s/√inch 
0.156 inch
1.05±0.03 cm/s
43±1 cm/s/inch2
2.66±0.08 cm/s/√inch
0.188 inch
1.49±0.11 cm/s
42±3 cm/s/inch2
3.44±0.26 cm/s/√inch
0.250 inch
1.40 - 1.68
2.60±0.24 cm/s
42±4 cm/s/inch2
5.20±0.50 cm/s/√inch

In the third column we show the resulting terminal velocities for the various bearing balls in cm/s, whereas, in the fourth and fifth columns, we show the ratios of the terminal velocity and respectively the square and the square root of the diameter. We observe that the terminal velocity is clearly not proportional to the square root of the diameter d, but rather to its square:

vterm(in m/s) = (0.42±0.02 m/s/inch2) × d2(in inches)

or in the radius r and in SI units

vterm = constant×r2    with    constant = (2.6±0.1)×103 /ms

We may thus conclude that the experiment is executed in regime I.
