Four-car scattering event near the physics department at Coimbra (1987).
When the chauffeur of a mercedes vehicle decided to make a fast interval during the time his boss was talking at the Art Faculty, he managed to perform a high-velocity scattering experiment.
Coming from the University's main entrance (from about where the picture has been taken) he collided full velocity with the front part of the white car. The resonance, which lasted in the order of a second and during which both cars made a 73 degrees turn, resulted in expelling the mercedes full velocity in a non-intended direction. Its energy could easily be determined as it was almost completely deposited during the inelastic shock in the parked red datsun behind the policeman, even one wheel broke off. Particle identification was successful after the mercedes car was completely stopped against a parked citroën vehicle at the other side of the street.
At the scene experimentalists are explaining their theoretical colleagues that the lack of statistics impedes proving the possible occurrence of a glueball during the initial collision.
After repair, the datsun car has been fully operational for many more round-trips to The Netherlands. At present it enjoys retirement.