Centro de Fisica Teórica

Recent Publications,

Technical Reports, Seminars and Theses

(starting from 2003)

last update 2006.09.12


Since this list is not updated frequently (see last update information above)  it cannot be current. For more up-to-date information, consult SPIRES or the personal web pages of the Center's members.

Note: Your browser may have difficulties displaying correctly Greek letters and special symbols appearing in the titles of some publications. Internet Explorer with the "Symbol" Font installed on your computer should work.




M. de Llano, C. Fiolhais and J. da Providência, editors, "Condensed Matter Theories"  Vol 18, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Coommack, New York, 2003.


A.H. Blin, B. Hiller, A.A. Osipov, M.C. Ruivo and E. van Beveren, editors, Proceedings of the "Second International Workshop on Hadron Physics: Effective Theories of Low Energy QCD", Coimbra, Portugal, 25--29 Sept. 2002, AIP Conference Proceedings 660, Melville, USA: AIP (2003) 406 p.


M. DE LLANO, C. FIOLHAIS e J. DA PROVIDÊNCIA, (Editors), Condensed Matter Theories, Vol. 18, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2004.


E. van Beveren and G. Rupp, "O Mesão Ds(2317)", Caderno das 4as Jornadas sobre o Ensino das Ciências, 26-27 de Fevereiro de 2004 (Tondela, Portugal), Escola Secundária de Tondela, ISBN: 972-9071-55-1 (2004).


Constança Providência, Nuno Crato, Manuel Paiva e Carlos Fiolhais, Ciência a Brincar 4: Descobre  o céu!, Editorial Bizâncio e Sociedade Portuguesa de Física,  2005.





"Thermal analysis of production of resonances in relativistic heavy-ion collisions"" W. Broniowski, W. Florkowski and B. Hiller Phys. Rev. C68, 034911 (2003), nucl-th/0306034


D.P. Menezes and C. Providência, "Warm stellar matter with deconfinement: Application to compact stars", Phys. Rev. C 68 (2003) 035804


P.K. Panda, G. Krein, D.P. Menezes and C. Providência, "Warm symmetric matter in the quark-meson coupling model", Phys.Rev. C 68 (2003) 015201.


A. Kuriyama, C. Providência, J. da Providência, Y. Tsue and M. Yamamura, "The su(1,1)-algebraic boson model in the deformed boson scheme - The second Holstein-Primakoff representation as q-deformed boson operator", Prog. Theor. Phys., 109 (2003) 77-86.


A. Kuriyama, C. Providência, J. da Providência, Y. Tsue and M Yamamura, "On the boson number operator in the deformed boson scheme", Prog. Theor. Phys. 109 (2003) 875-879.


A. Kuriyama, C. Providência, J. da Providência, Y. Tsue and M. Yamamura, "A possible form of the orthogonal set in six kinds of boson operators. In relation to the su(2)- and its relevant algebras", Prog. Theor. Phys. 109(2003) 943-958.


A. Kuriyama, C. Providência, J. da Providência, Y. Tsue and M. Yamamura, "Note on  the orthogonal set in six kinds of boson operators. In relation to the su(1,1)- and its relevant algebras", Prog. Theor. Phys. 109 (2003) 959-968.


A. Kuriyama, C. Providência, J. da Providência, Y. Tsue and M. Yamamura, "Deformed boson scheme stressing even-odd boson number difference. I - Various forms of boson-pair coherent state", Prog. Theor. Phys. 110 (2003) 517-548.


A. Kuriyama, M. Yamamura, C. Providência, J. da Providência, and Y. Tsue, "The Lipkin model. Beyond mean field with generalized coherent states", J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 110 (2003) 10361.


A. Kuriyama, C. Providência, J. da Providência, Y. Tsue and M. Yamamura,  "Imperfect bose system and its mixed state representation. II Numerical analysis with a short range repulsive force," Prog. Theor. Phys. 110 (2003) 757.


C. da Providência, J. da Providência and S.A. Moszkowski, "EOS of nuclear matter within a generalized NJL model", Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 17 (2003) 5209-5213.


A. Kuriyama, C. Providência, J. da Providência, Y. Tsue and M. Yamamura, "Deformed boson scheme stressing even-odd boson number difference. II - Unified forms of boson-pair coherent states in even- and odd-boson systems", Prog. Theor. Phys. 110 (2003) 1071-1085.


"Some applications of renormalized RPA in bosonic field theories" By H. Hansen (Lyon, IPN & Coimbra U.), G. Chanfray (Lyon, IPN), LYCEN-2003-13, May 2003, e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0305063 accepted in october 2003 Eur. Phys. J. A 20, pp. 459--467 (2004)


F.F. Karpeshin, "The complex trajectory method and dissipation in fission",  Phys. Atom Nucl. 66 (2003) 1173-1177.


F.F. Karpeshin, "The complex trajectory method in muon-induced prompt fission", J. Phys. G  Nucl. and Part. Phys. 30 (2004) 1-11 (accepted 2003)


"Prompt muon-induced fission: a sensitive probe for nuclear energy dissipation and fission dynamics" V.E. Oberacker, A. Sait Umar, F.F. Karpeshin in "Progress in Muon Research", edited book (invitation only), ed. Frank Columbus, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, NY (publ. date: summer 2004) (accepted 2003)


E. van Beveren and G. Rupp, "Observed Ds(2317) and tentative D(2030) as the charmed cousins of the light scalar nonet" Phys. Rev. Lett.  91, 012003 (2003) [arXiv:hep-ph/0305035].


M. D. Scadron, F. Kleefeld, G. Rupp and E. van Beveren, "Meson form factors and the quark-level linear sigma model" Nucl. Phys. A 724, 391-409 (2003) [arXiv:hep-ph/0211275].


E. van Beveren and G. Rupp, Reconciling the light scalar mesons with Breit-Wigner resonances as well as the quark model Int. J. Theor. Phys. Group Theor. Nonlin. Opt., in press (accepted 2003) [arXiv:hep-ph/0304105].


"Neutral pseudoscalar mesons in hot and dense matter", P. Costa, M. C. Ruivo, Yu. L. Kalinovsky, Physics Letters B 560 (2003) 171-177


"Anomalous decay of pion and eta at finite density", P. Costa, M. C. Ruivo, Yu. L. Kalinovsky, Physics Letters B 577 (2003) 129-136


"Pseudoscalar mesons in hot, dense matter", P. Costa, M. C. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa and Yu. L. Kalinovsky, Phys. Rev. C (in press) hep-ph/0304025. (accepted, June 2004)


Célia A. de Sousa and Vitor H. Rodrigues, "Mass redistribution in variable mass systems", European J. of Physics, Institute of Physics Publishing,  25 (2004) 41-49


C da Providencia, J. da Providencia, S. A. Moszkowski, EOS of nuclear matter within a generalised NJL model, International Journal of Modern Physics B 17,  5209-5213 (2003)


"Path integral bosonization of the 't Hooft Determinant: Quasiclassical Corrections" A.A. Osipov and B. Hiller, Eur.Phys.J.C35:223-241,2004, hep-th/0307035


LONG DISTANCE EXPANSION FOR THE NJL MODEL WITH SU(3) AND U(1)A BREAKING. By A.A. Osipov, H. Hansen, B. Hiller, Nucl.Phys.A745:81-103,2004 , hep-ph/0406112


P. K. Panda, D. P. Menezes e C. Providência, Hybrid  stars  in the quark-meson coupling model with  superconducting  quark matter,   Phys. Rev. C69 (2004) 025207.


P.K. Panda, D.P. Menezes e  C. Providência, Stellar matter in the quark-meson-coupling model with neutrino  trapping, Phys. Rev. C, Phys. Rev. C 69 (2004) 058801


D. P. Menezes e C. Providência,``Warm stellar matter with neutrino trapping'',  Phys. Rev. C 69 (2004) 045801; nucl-th/0312050.


D.P. Menezes  e C. Providência, Equations of State for Mixed Stars, Braz. J. Phys.  34 (2004) 724-727.


D.P. Menezes  e C. Providência, Finite temperature mixed stars, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 13 (2004) 1249.


S.S. Avancini, L. Brito, D.P. Menezes, C. Provid\^encia, Instabilities in asymmetric nuclear matter,  Phys. Rev.  C 70, 015203 (2004); nucl-th/0406022.


S.S. Avancini, L. Brito, D.P. Menezes, C. Providência, Collective modes in relativistic asymmetric nuclear matter, accepted, Phys. Rev.  C


D. P. Menezes and C. Providência, Delta meson effects on stellar matter, Phys. Rev. C 70, 058801 (2004) .


P.K. Panda, D.P. Menezes, C. Providencia, J. da Providencia, Aspects of short range correlations in a relativistic model, Phys. Rev. C 71, 015801 (2005)


Henrik Bohr, Constanca Providencia, and Joao da Providencia "Nuclear phenomena derived from quark-gluon strings", Phys. Rev. C, in press.


Hansen, H. and Chanfray, G., Eur. Phys. J., A20 (2004),p.459-467


M. YAMAMURA, C. PROVIDÊNCIA, J. DA PROVIDÊNCIA, Y. TSUE and J. DA PROVIDÊNCIA Jr., “Coupling schemes for an su(2)-spin system”, Prog. Theor. Phys. 112 (2004) 997-1012.


A. KURIYAMA, C. PROVIDÊNCIA, J. da PROVIDÊNCIA, Y. TSUE, and M. YAMAMURA, “Deformed boson scheme stressing even-odd boson number difference. III - Parameter dependent deformation”, Prog. Theor. Phys. 111(2004) 509-523.


J. DA PROVIDÊNCIA, M. YAMAMURA, C. PROVIDÊNCIA, M.  BRAJCZEWSKA and   J. DA PROVIDÊNCIA, JR., “The Heisenberg antiferromagnet: an explicitly rotational invariant formulation,” Prog. Theor. Phys., 112 (2004) 383-397.


N. BEBIANO, R. LEMOS, J. DA PROVIDÊNCIA and G. SOARES, “On generalized numerical ranges of operators on an indefinite inner product space”, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 52 (2004) 203-233.


N. BEBIANO, R. LEMOS, J. DA PROVIDÊNCIA and G. SOARES, “Numerical Ranges of Unbounded Operators arising in Quantum Physics”, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 381 (2004) 259-279.


N. BEBIANO, R. LEMOS and J. DA PROVIDÊNCIA, "Inequalities for quantum relative entropy", Linear Algebra Appl., in press.


N. BEBIANO, R. LEMOS, J. DA PROVIDÊNCIA  and G. SOARES, "On the geometry of  numerical ranges in spaces with an indefinite inner product", Linear Algebra Appl., in press.


N. BEBIANO, H. NAKAZATO, R. LEMOS, J. DA PROVIDÊNCIA  and G. SOARES,  “Inequalities for J-Hermitian matrices”, Linear Algebra Appl., in press.


S. NISHIYAMA, J. DA PROVIDÊNCIA, Y. TSUE and M. YAMAMURA , “On the eigenvalue problem of the su(1,1)-algebra and the coupling scheme of two su(1,1)-spins”, Prog. Theor. Phys. 113 (2005) 153-168.


F.F. KARPESHIN and J. DA PROVIDÊNCIA, “Electron-Ion Interaction in Atomic Clusters Put in a Laser Field”, Bull. Russian Acad. Sci., Phys. Ser., v. 69, No. 10 (2005). (English Transl.: USA).


J. DA PROVIDÊNCIA, A.R. SAKHEL, F.B. MALIK and H.R. GLYDE, “Gross-Pitaevski equation and resonances in Bose-Einstein condensates”, Europhysics Letters, 69 (2005) 920-923.


P. Costa, M. Ruivo, and Yu. Kalinovsky, “Anomalous decay of pion and eta at finite temperature”, Phys. Rev. C 70 (2004), 048202, hep-ph/0403263.


P. Costa, M. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa, and Yu. Kalinovsky, “Effective restoration of the UA(1) symmetry with temperature and  density”, Phys. Rev. D 70 (2004)116013, hep-ph/0408177.


P. Costa, M. Ruivo, and Yu. Kalinovsky, “Two photon decay of pion and eta at finite temperature and density”, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys., (in press) hep-ph/0411173.


M. C. Ruivo, P. Costa, C. A. de Sousa, Yu. L. Kalinovsky, “Effective restoration of chiral and axial symmetries at finite temperature and density”, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys., (in press) hep-ph/0411246.


Nonrigid systems: mechanical and thermodynamic aspects, C. A. de Sousa and Vítor H. Rodrigues, European Journal of Physics, 25 (2004) 41-49


E. van Beveren and G. Rupp, "Continuum bound states K-long, D1(2420), Ds1(2536) and their partners K-short, D1(2400), D*sJ(2463)", Eur. Phys. J. C32, 493 (2004).


M. D. Scadron, G. Rupp, F. Kleefeld and E. van Beveren, "Ground state scalar q-qbar nonet: SU(3) mass splittings and strong, electromagnetic and weak decay rates", Phys. Rev. D69, 014010 (2004).


M. D. Scadron, G. Rupp and E. van Beveren, "Delta I=1/2 enhancement and CP violation for weak Kaon decays in pion-pion and pion-pion-gamma", Mod. Phys. Lett. A19, 2267 (2004).


E. van Beveren and G. Rupp, "Classification of the scalar mesons: A strange pole expedition into charm and beauty territory", Mod. Phys. Lett. A19, 1949 (2004)


E. van Beveren and G. Rupp, "Het Ds(2317)-meson", Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde, 70, 194-197 (2004).


E. van Beveren and G. Rupp, "Multichannel calculation for D*s vector states and the Ds(2632) resonance}, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 202001-1/4 (2004).


M. D. Scadron, F. Kleefeld, G. Rupp and E. van Beveren, "Meson form-factors and the quark-based linear sigma model", Fizika B13, 43 (2004).



Atushi Kuriyama, Masatoshi Yamamura, Constança Providência, João da Providência e Yasuhiko Tsue, Description of anharmonic effects with generalized coherent, J. Phys. A 37 (2004) 769.


F.F. Karpeshin, J. da Providência, C. Providência and J. da Providência jr, Electron--phonon coupling and anharmonic effects in metal clusters, Europhysics  Letters 67, 760(2004)  , physics/0407086.


P. Costa, M. Ruivo, Yu. Kalinovsky and C. A. de Sousa, “Pseudoscalar Mesons in Hot and Dense Matter”, Phys. Rev. C 70 (2004), 025204,   hep-ph/0304025.



IMPLICATIONS OF A GENERALIZED HEAT KERNEL EXPANSION FOR AN EFFECTIVE QCD CHIRAL LAGRANGIAN WITH SU(39 AND U_A(1) BREAKING. By Hubert Hansen, Alexander A. Osipov, Brigitte Hiller, Intern. Jour. Of Modern Physics A20:4599-4608,2005.


"Effective restoration of chiral and axial symmetries at finite temperature and density", P. Costa,  M. C. Ruivo,  C. A. de Sousa e Yu. L.  Kalinovsky, {Journal of  Physics G: Nucl. Part. Phys.} {\bf 31} (2005) S1183-6, hep-ph/0411246.


"Analysis  of  U$_A$(1) symmetry-breaking and restoration effects on the scalar-pseudoscalar meson spectrum", P. Costa,  M. C. Ruivo,  C. A. de Sousa e Yu. L.  Kalinovsky, {Physical Review D} {\bf 71} (2005) 116002-19, hep-ph/0503258.


P.D. PANDA, D.P. MENEZES, C. PROVIDENCIA and J. da PROVIDENCIA, "Aspects of short range correlations in a relativistic model", Phys. Rev. C 71 (2005) 015801, nucl-th/0408040.


P.D. PANDA, D.P. MENEZES, C. PROVIDENCIA and J. da PROVIDENCIA, "Relativistic equation of state with short range correlations", Brazilian Journal of Physics.  35 (2005) 873-876.


H. BOHR, C. PROVIDENCIA and J. da PROVIDENCIA, "Nuclear phenomena derived from quark-gluon strings", Phys. Rev. C 71 (2005) 055203, nucl-th/0409030.


F.F. KARPESHIN and J. DA PROVIDENCIA, "Electron-Ion Interaction in Atomic Clusters Put in a Laser Field", Bull. Russian Acad. Sci., Phys. Ser., v. 69, No. 10 (2005). (English Transl.: USA).


J. DA PROVIDENCIA, A.R. SAKHEL, F.B. MALIK and H.R. GLYDE, "Gross-Pitaevski equation and resonances in Bose-Einstein condensates", Europhysics Letters, 69 (2005) 920-923.


M. YAMAMURA, C. PROVIDENCIA, J. DA PROVIDENCIA, Y. TSUE and J. DA PROVIDENCIA Jr., "Coupling schemes for an su(2)-spin system", Prog. Theor. Phys. 112 (2004) 997-1012.


S. NISHIYAMA. H. MORITA and H. OHNISHI, “Group theoretical deduction of a dyadic Tamm-Dancoff equation by using a matrix-valued generator coordinate”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 37 (2004) 10585-10607


S. NISHIYAMA, C. DA PROVIDENCIA, J. DA PROVIDENCIA, Y. TSUE and M. YAMAMURA , "On the eigenvalue problem of the su(1,1)-algebra and the coupling scheme of two su(1,1)-spins", Prog. Theor. Phys. 113 (2005) 153-168.


S. NISHIYAMA, C. DA PROVIDENCIA, J. DA PROVIDENCIA, Y. TSUE and M. YAMAMURA , "A possible boson realization of the so(4)- and the so(3,1)- algebra -- In relation to the Runge-Lenz-Pauli vector", Prog. Theor. Phys. 113 (2005) 563-580.


S. NISHIYAMA, C. DA PROVIDENCIA, J. DA PROVIDENCIA, Y. TSUE and M. YAMAMURA , "A note on the eigenvalue problem of the su(1,1)-algebra ", Prog. Theor. Phys. 113 (2005) 555-562.


S. NISHIYAMA, J. DA PROVIDENCIA and  K. KOMATSU, "The RPA equation embedded into infinite-dimensional Fock space F-infinity",  J. Phys. A - Math. and Gen.  38 (2005) 6759-6775.


C. PROVIDENCIA, J. DA PROVIDENCIA, Y. TSUE and M. YAMAMURA, "The Lipkin model in the su(M+1) - algebra for many-fermion system nad its counterpart in the Schwinger boson representation", Prog. Theor. Phys. 114 (2005) 57-75.


Y. TSUE, J. DA PROVIDENCIA, A.KURIYAMA and M. YAMAMURA, "On parametric resonance in quantum many-body systems", Prog. Theor. Phys. 115 (2006) 129-141.


C. PROVIDENCIA, J. DA PROVIDENCIA, Y. TSUE and M. YAMAMURA, "Boson realization of the su(3)-algebra. I - Schwinger representation for the Lipkin model", Prog. Theor. Phys. 115 (2006) 143-153.


C. PROVIDENCIA, J. DA PROVIDENCIA, Y. TSUE and M. YAMAMURA, "Boson realization of the su(3)-algebra. II - Holstein - Primakoff representation for the Lipkin model", Prog. Theor. Phys. 115 (2006) 155-164.


A.A. OSIPOV, B. HILLER and J. DA PROVIDENCIA, "Multi-quark interactions with a globally stable vaccum", Phys. Lett. B 634(2006)48-54.


H. MORITA, H. ONISHI, J. DA PROVIDENCIA and S. NISHIYAMA, "Exact solutions for the LMG model based on the Bethe ansatz", Nucl. Phys. B 737(2006)337-350.


N. BEBIANO, H. NAKAZATO, J. DA PROVIDENCIA, R. LEMOS and G. SOARES, "Inequalities for J- Hermitian matrices" Lin. Alg. Appl. 407 (2005) 125-139.


N. BEBIANO, H. NAKAZATO, J. DA PROVIDENCIA, "J-orthostochasticmatrices of size 3x3 and numerical ranges of Krein spaces operators", Lin. Alg. Appl. 407 (2005) 211-232.


N. BEBIANO, H. NAKAZATO, J. DA PROVIDENCIA, R. LEMOS and G. SOARES, "On the geometry of numerical ranges in spaces with an indefinite inner product", Lin. Alg. Appl. 399 (2005) 17-34.


D. P. Menezes, P. K. Panda, and C. Providência, Kaon condensation in the quark-meson coupling model and compact stars Phys. Rev. C 72, 035802 (2005)


K. Watanabe, Y. Tsue, S. Nishiyama, Amplification of quantum meson modes in the late time of the chiral phase transition,  Prog. Theor. Phys. 113 (2005) 369-384.


S. S. Avancini, L. Brito, D. P. Menezes, and C. Providˆncia Collective modes in relativistic asymmetric nuclear matter Phys. Rev. C 71, 044323 (2005)


P.K. Panda, C. Providencia, and D.P. Menezes, Pentaquarks in the medium in the quark-meson coupling model, Phys. Rev. C 72, 058201 (2005).


S.S. Avancini, L. Brito, D.P. Menezes e C. Providencia, Asymmetric nuclear matter and its instabilities, Braz. J. Phys. 35 B, 832 (2005)


C. Providencia, L. Brito, S.S. Avancini, D.P. Menezes, Ph. Chomaz, Low-density instabilities in relativistic asymmetric matter of compact stars, Phys. Rev. C  73, 025805 (2006).


D.P. Menezes, D.B. Melrose, C. Providˆncia e K. Wu, Gamma-ray bursts and the QCD phase diagram, Phys. Rev. C 73, 025806 (2006).


P. K. Panda, Joao da Providência e Constança Providência, Short range correlations in relativistic nuclear matter models, Phys. Rev. C 73 (2006) 035805.


H. Morita, H. Ohnishi, J. da Providência, S. Nishiyama, Exact solutions for the LMG model Hamiltonian based on the Bethe ansatz, Nucl. Phys. B 737 (2006) 337-350.


S. Nishiyama, J. da Providência, O. Ohno, Efficient description for pi and sigma mesons by resonating mean-field approximation to two-flavor Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 15 (2006) 1087-1114.


Combinatorics of n-point functions via Hopf algebra in quantum field theory, Angela Mestre, Robert Oeckl, J.Math.Phys. 47 (2006) 052301, math-ph/0505066


SYMMETRIES AND AMBIGUITIES IN THE LINEAR SIGMA MODEL WITH LIGHT QUARKS. E.W. Dias, Brigitte Hiller, A.L. Mota, M.C. Nemes, M. Sampaio,  A.A. Osipov Mod.Phys.Lett.A21:339-347, (2006), hep-ph/0503245




PRODUCTION OF RESONANCES IN A THERMAL MODEL, Wojciech Broniowski, Wojciech Florkowski, Brigitte Hiller,  Acta Phys.Hung.A 22:159-163, (2005), nucl-th/0403046


EVENT-BY-EVENT PT FLUCTUATIONS AND MULTIPARTICLE CLUSTERS IN RELATIVISTIC HEAVY-ION COLLISIONS. W. Broniowski, B. Hiller, W. Florkowski, P. Bozek Phys.Lett.B635:290-294,2006 e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0510033


MULTI-QUARK INTERACTIONS WITH A GLOBALLY STABLE VACUUM. Alexander A. Osipov, Brigitte Hiller, Joao da Providencia Phys.Lett.B634:48-54,2006 e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0508058


ASPECTS OF U(A)(1) BREAKING IN THE NAMBU AND JONA-LASINIO MODEL. Alexander A. Osipov, Brigitte Hiller, Veronique Bernard, Alex H. Blin, Annals of Physics, N.Y. (2006), in print, hep-ph/0507226


THE ROLE OF HIDDEN AMBIGUITIES IN THE LINEAR SIGMA MODEL WITH FERMIONS. Brigitte Hiller, A.L. Mota, M.C. Nemes, Alexander A. Osipov, Marcos Sampaio Nucl.Phys.A769:53-70,(2006),  hep-ph/0503205


FUNCTIONAL INTEGRAL APPROACHES TO THE BOSONIZATION OF EFFECTIVE MULTI-QUARK INTERACTIONS WITH U(A)(1) BREAKING. Brigitte Hiller, Alexander A. Osipov, Veronique Bernard, Alex H. Blin,. Published in SIGMA 2:026,2006, hep-ph/0602165.


STATIONARY PHASE CORRECTIONS IN THE PROCESS OF BOSONIZATION OF MULTI-QUARK INTERACTIONS. Alexander A. Osipov, Brigitte Hiller, Joao Moreira, Alex H. Blin Eur.Phys.J.C 46 (2006) 225-233,  hep-ph/0601074.


Effects of eight-quark interactions on the hadronic vacuum and mass spectra of light mesons, Alexander A. Osipov, Brigitte Hiller, Alex H. Blin, Joao da Providencia, Annals of Physics (N.Y.) 2006, in print, hep-ph/0607066



Articles in national Scientific Journals


Constança Providência, Ciência para os mais pequenos, Cadernos do Conselho Nacional de Educação, a publicar.


J. DA PROVIDENCIA, "Ruy Luíz Gomes, episódios da sua vida", Gazeta de Física, 28 (2005) 4-9.





From the Kappa via the D*(s0)(2317) to the chi(c0), Connecting light and heavy scalar mesons, Eef van Beveren, Joao E.G.N. Costa, Frieder Kleefeld, George Rupp. [hep-ph/0509351].


Dispersion and uncertainty in multislit matter wave diffraction G. Glionna, A.H. Blin, B. Hiller, M.C. Nemes, M. Sampaio, A.F.R. de Toledo Piza submitted to Phys. Lett. A (2005)





 " 't Hooft determinant and the structure of the vacuum", A.A. Osipov, B. Hiller, Proceedings of the II Intern. Workshop on Hadron Physics, Coimbra, 25-29 Sept. 2002, AIP(2003),, Eds: A.H. Blin, B. Hiller, A.A. Osipov, M.C. Ruivo, e E. van Beveren, 2003


"Generalized Heat Kernel Coefficients  for a new asymptotic expansion" A.A. Osipov, B. Hiller Proceedings of the II International Workshop on Hadron  Physics "Effective Theories of Low energy QCD", Sept. 25-29, Coimbra 2003, AIP Conf. Proc. 660, 62 (2003),hep-th/0212157, Eds: A.H. Blin, B. Hiller, A.A. Osipov, M.C. Ruivo, e E. van Beveren, 2003


" 't Hooft determinant: fluctuations and multiple vacua," B. Hiller and A.A. Osipov, Proceedings of the CFIF Fall workshop 2002, Nuclear Dynamics : from quarks to nuclei, 31 Oct.- 2 Nov 2002, Few-Body systems suppl., Springer-Verlag 2003, Eds: M.T. Peña, A. Stadler, A.M. Eiró, and J. Adam.


"SU(N) flavor dynamics within a generalized heat kernel expansion" B. Hiller and A.A. Osipov 5th International Conference on Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 23-29 June 2003, Kiev, Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, Invited Talk. Published in Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics: Proceedings. Edited by a.G. Niktin, V.M. Boyko, R.O. Popovych. 2004. pp. 1328-1334.


A. Kuriyama, C. Providência, J. da Providência, Y. Tsue and M. Yamamura, "On a possible scheme of q-deformation of many-boson systems in time-dependent variational method", Condensed Matter Theories, Vol 18 (2003) 49-58.


C. Providência, J.M. Moreira, L. Brito, J. da Providência, D.P. Menezes and S.A. Moszkowski, "Neutorn rich matter within relativistic mean-field theory", Condensed Matter Theories, Vol 18 (2003) 355-365.


D.P. Menezes and C. Providência, "Effects of rho-omega mixing interactions in relativistic models", Hadron Physics  Effective Theories of Low Energy QCD, (2003) 223-230.


D.P. Menezes and C. Providência, "Finite temperature mixed stars", Int. J. Mod. Phys. D (2004), in press. (accepted 2003)


D.P. Menezes and C. Providência, "Hybrid Stars", IX Hadron Physics and VII Relativistic Aspects of Nuclear Physics, AIP, in press (accepted 2003)


1P.K. Panda, D.P. Menezes and C. Providência, "Stellar Matter with Neutrino Trapping", IX Hadron Physics and VII Relativistic Aspects of Nuclear Physics, AIP, in press (accepted 2003)


F.F. Karpeshin, "The complex trajectory method and dissipation in fission", Condensed Matter Theories, Vol 18 (2003) 327-337.


C. Providência, J.M. Moreira, J. Da Providˆncia and S.A. Moszkowski, "Nuclear matter mean field with extended NJL model", Hadron Physics  Effective Theories of Low Energy QCD, (2003) 231-241.


D.P. Menezes and C. Providência, "Finite temperature equations of state", Braz. J. Phys. (2004) , in press (accepted 2003)


F.F. Karpeshin, "The complex trajectory method and dissipation in fission", Condensed Matter Theories, Vol 18 (2003) 327-337.


E. van Beveren and G. Rupp,

Nonperturbative scalar-meson resonances with open charm and beauty to appear in e-Proceedings of Time Asymmetric Quantum Theory: the Theory of Resonances, July 23-26 (2003), CFIF-IST, Lisboa (Portugal) arXiv:hep-ph/0312078.


E. van Beveren and G. Rupp, Classification of the a0(980) and f0(980) in Miniproceedings for the workshop HADRON PHYSICS at COSY held from July 7th to July 10th 2003 in Bad Honnef (Germany), pp 96-97 [arXiv:hep-ph/0311071].


M. D. Scadron, G. Rupp, E. van Beveren and F. Kleefeld, SU(3) mass splittings for qqbar mesons and qqq baryons contributed to The High-Energy Physics Workshop on Scalar Mesons: An Interesting Puzzle for QCD, Utica, New York, 16-18 May 2003 AIP Conf. Proc. 688, 183-190 (2003) [arXiv:hep-ph/0307003].


E. van Beveren and G. Rupp, Threshold behavior of scattering poles, talk given at The High-Energy Physics Workshop on Scalar Mesons: An Interesting Puzzle for QCD, Utica, New York, 16-18 May 2003 AIP Conf. Proc. 688, 88-98 (2003) [arXiv:hep-ph/0306185].


E. van Beveren and G. Rupp, Explaining the DsJ(2317), talk given at The 25th annual Montreal-Rochester-Syracuse-Toronto Conference on High-Energy Physics, Joefest, in the honor of the 65th birthday of Joseph Schechter, May 13 - 15, 2003, Syracuse (NY), AIP Conf. Proc. 687, 86-95 (2003), hep-ph/0306155.


M. D. Scadron, F. Kleefeld, G. Rupp and E. van Beveren, Meson form factors and the quark-level linear sigma model in Proceedings Proceedings of the International Symposium on Hadron Spectroscopy Chiral Symmetry and Relativistic Description of Bound Systems, February 24-26, 2003, Nihon Daigaku Kaikan, Ichigaya, Tokyo, Tokyo2003, KEK  Conf. Proc. 2003-7, 202-211 (2003).


M. D. Scadron, F. Kleefeld, G. Rupp and E. van Beveren, Meson form factors and the quark-level LsigmaM AIP Conf. Proc.  660, 311-324 (2003).


G. Rupp and E. van Beveren,

Relativistic unitarised quark/meson model in momentum space

AIP Conf. Proc.  660, 367-376 (2003), hep-ph/0212100].


E. van Beveren, G. Rupp, N. Petropoulos and F. Kleefeld, The light scalar mesons within quark models AIP Conf. Proc.  660, 353-366 (2003) [arXiv:hep-ph/0211411].


"Eta-eta' in a hot and dense medium", P. Costa, M. C. Ruivo and Yu. L. Kalinovsky, Hadron Physics - Effective Theories of Low Energy QCD Physics, A. H. Blin, B. Hiller, A. A. Osipov, M. C. Ruivo, E. van Beveren (Eds), AIP Conference Proceedings, 600, New york, 2003, pp.242-255


PRODUCTION OF RESONANCES IN A THERMAL MODEL, By Wojciech Broniowski, Wojciech Florkowski, Brigitte Hiller, Presented at 3rd Budapest Winter School on Heavy Ion Physics (RHIC School 2003), Budapest, Hungary, 8-11 Dec 2003.  Acta Physica Hungarica A - Heavy Ion Physics, to appear in the "Edward Teller Memorial Volume" 22/1-2 (2005), nucl-th/0403046


D.P. Menezes e C. Providência, Hybrid Stars, IX Hadron Physics and VII Relativistic Aspects of Nuclear Physics, AIP Conference Proceedings 739 (2004) 497.


P.K. Panda, D.P. Menezes e C. Providência, Stellar Matter with Neutrino Trapping, IX Hadron Physics and VII Relativistic Aspects of Nuclear Physics, AIP Conference Proceedings 739 (2004) 503.


H. Hansen, New implications of a modified heat kernel expansion in extended NJL model, Eighth Workshop on Non-Perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (Paris, 7-11 June 2004);


J. DA PROVIDÊNCIA, M. YAMAMURA, C. PROVIDÊNCIA, M.  BRAJCZEWSKA and   J. DA PROVIDÊNCIA, JR., "The Heisenberg antiferromagnet: explicitly rotational invariant formulation to all orders in the ferromagnetic fluctuations", invited talk, 27th International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories (CMT27), Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, 15th – 20th, September 2003. Condensed Matter Theories, Vol. 19, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2005.


J. DA PROVIDÊNCIA, H. BOHR and C. PROVIDÊNCIA, "Nuclear matter mean field with extended sigma model", invited talk, 28th International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories (CMT28), Washington University in St. Louis, 27th Setember to 2nd October 2004. To be published in Condensed Matter Theories, Vol. 20, Nova Science Publishers, New York.


C. A. de Sousa, P. Costa, M. C. Ruivo, Yu. L. Kalinovsky, “Phasetransitions and behavior of kaons in hot and dense matter”,  Proceedings of the ‘Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum VI 2004’ (in press), Villasimios, Cagliari – Itália, 21- 25 September,  2004, hep-ph/0411325.


P. Costa, M. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa, and Yu. Kalinovsky,  “Is the UA(1) symmetry restored at finite temperature or density?”, Proceedings of the ‘Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum VI 2004’ (in press), Villasimios, Cagliari – Itália, 21- 25 September,  2004, hep-ph/0411326.


P. Costa, M. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa, and Yu. L. Kalinovsky, “The restoration of the UA(1) symmetry and the meson spectrum in hot or dense matter"   Proceedings of the 'Three Days of Hadronic Physics', Sol Cress, Spa - Belgium, 16 – 18 December, 2004 (to be published).


Yu. L. Kalinovsky, P. Costa, M. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa, and J. Cugnon, "J/psi dissociation at finite temperature/density" , Proceedings of the 'Three Days of Hadronic Physics', Sol Cress, Spa - Belgium, 16 – 18 December, 2004 (to be published).


SU(3) DYNAMICS IN A NEW HEAT KERNEL EXPANSION, Brigitte Hiller and Alexander A. Osipov, Proceedings of the 5th International conference on “Symmetry in non-linear mathematical physics”, June 23-29, 2003 Kiev Ukraine, published 2004.


"Phase transitions and behavior of kaons in hot and dense matter", C. A. de Sousa, P. Costa, M. C. Ruivo e Yu. L. Kalinovsky, {6th Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum}, Eds. N. Brambilla et al., AIP Conf. Proc. 756, New York (2005), p. 348-350, hep-ph/0411325.


"Is the U$_A$(1) symmetry restored at finite temperature or density?" P. Costa, M. C. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa e Yu. L.  Kalinovsky, {6th Conference on Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum}, Eds. N. Brambilla et al., AIP Conf. Proc. 756, New York (2005), p. 351-353, hep-ph/0411325.


"The restoration of the U$_A$(1) symmetry and the meson spectrum in hot or dense matter", P. Costa, M. C. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa e  Yu. L. Kalinovsky, {Hadronic Physics: Joint Meeting Heidelberg-LiŠge-Paris-Rostock}, Eds. J. P. Lansberg et al., AIP Conf. Proc. 775, New York (2005), p. 173-181, hep-ph/0502217.


P.K. PANDA, J. DA PROVIDENCIA, C. PROVIDENCIA and D.P. MENESES, "Short range correlations in relativistic nuclear matter models", Conference on Microscopic Approaches to Many.Body Theory in nonour of Prof. Ray Bishop, Manchester, 2005.


M. YAMAMURA, J. PROVIDENCIA, C. PROVIDENCIA and Y. TSUE, "Two-level pairing model in the schwinger representation", 29th International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories (CMT29), Nara, Japan, September 2005.


Scalar mesons and Adler zeros, George Rupp, Frieder Kleefeld, Eef van Beveren, AIP Conf.Proc.756:360-362,2005, [hep-ph/0412078].


Complex meson spectroscopy, Eef van Beveren, Frieder Kleefeld, George Rupp, AIP Conf.Proc.814:143-152,2006, [hep-ph/0510120].


Perturbative approach in U_A(1) breaking, Brigitte Hiller, Alexander A. Osipov, Alex H. Blin, Plenary talk, To appear in the proceedings of International Conference on High Energy and Mathematical Physics, Marrakech, Morocco, 4-7 Apr 2005, 9 pages. e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0507299


Planck scale variations of the metric tensor leading to a cosmological constant A.H. Blin Plenary talk, Proceedings of International Conference on High Energy and Mathematical Physics, Marrakech, Morocco (2005)





E. van Beveren, Hadron05, XI. International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy August 21st - 26th, 2005 at the Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas - CBPF, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Plenary Talk: Complex meson spectroscopy.


E. van Beveren, Workshop on Hadron Physics at Cosy, July 25th - 29th, 2005 at Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Germany. Plenary Talk: Quark Pair Creation and its Effects on the Scalar Meson Spectrum


E. van Beveren, Exotic States: Challenges for QCD (International WE-Heraeus-seminar), January 17th - 21st, 2005 at Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Germany. Plenary Talk: Ds0*(2317) and Ds*(2632) require K0*(800) and rho'(1250).


P. Costa, M. Ruivo, and Yu. Kalinovsky, “Two photon decay of pion and eta at finite temperature and density”, VIII International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter, Cape Town, South Africa, 15-20 September, 2004.


't Hooft determinant: fluctuations and the structure of the vacuum
B. Hiller, A.A. Osipov , 2nd International Workshop on Hadron Physics: Effective Theories of Low-Energy QCD, Coimbra, Portugal, 25-29 Sep 2002.


M. C. Ruivo, P. Costa, C. A. de Sousa, Yu. L. Kalinovsky, “Effective restoration of chiral and axial symmetries at finite temperature and density”, VIII International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter, Cape Town, South Africa, 15-20 September, 2004.


C. A. de Sousa, P. Costa, M. C. Ruivo, Yu. L. Kalinovsky, “Phase transitions and behavior of kaons in hot and dense matter ‘Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum VI 2004’, Villasimios, Cagliari – Itália, 21- 25 September,  2004.


P. Costa, M. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa, and Yu. Kalinovsky,  “Is the UA(1) symmetry restored at finite temperature or density?”, ‘Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum VI 2004’ , Villasimios, Cagliari – Itália, 21- 25 September,  2004.


P. Costa, M. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa, and Yu. L. Kalinovsky, “The restoration of the UA(1) symmetry and the meson spectrum in hot or dense matter"   'Three Days of Hadronic Physics', Sol Cress, Spa - Belgium, 16 – 18 December, 2004.


Brigitte Hiller and Alexander A. Osipov, “SU(3) dynamics in a new heat kernel expansion”, Invited talk at 5th International conference on “Symmetry in non-linear mathematical physics”, June 23-29, 2003 Kiev Ukraine.


Yu. L. Kalinovsky, P. Costa, M. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa, and J. Cugnon, "J/psi dissociation at finite temperature/density" , 'Three Days of Hadronic Physics', Sol Cress, Spa - Belgium, 16 – 18 December, 2004.


Brigitte Hiller, Alexander A. Osipov, V. Bernard, A.H. Blin, “Mathematical aspects of U_A(1) breaking in effective multiquark interactions”,  Invited talk, 6th Int. Conf. in "Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics", Kiev, June 20-26, 2005


H. Hansen, Implications of a new heat kernel expansion for an effective QCD chiral Lagrangian with SU(3) and U_A(1) breaking, December 7th, Torino, Italy


Perturbative approach in U_A(1) breaking, Brigitte Hiller, Alexander A. Osipov, Alex H. Blin, Plenary talk, International Conference on High Energy and Mathematical Physics, Marrakech, Morocco, 4-7 April 2005.


H. Hansen, June 10, 2004, Eighth Workshop on Non-Perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics "New implications of a modified heat kernel expansion in extended NJL model"


H. Hansen, Développement du noyau de la chaleur généralisée dans un modèle effectif de QCD avec brisure SU(3) et U_A(1), Rencontres jeunes chercheurs 2004, December 16th 2004, Aussois, France.


Meeting of the spectroscopy group of EURIDICE, September 16th - 18th, 2004, Residencia d'Investigadors, Barcelona (Spain). Thursday 16/9/04 12:00 Eef van Beveren (Coimbra University, Portugal), "Why is the K0*(800) omitted from the summary table?"


Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum IV, September 21st - 25th, 2004, Tanka Village, Villasimius (Cagliari) Sardinia - Italy. Thursday, 23 September 2004 12:10-12:30 G. Rupp (in collaboration with E. van Beveren) Scalar mesons and Adler zeroes.


Multiquark interactions in effective theories of low energy QCD, Brigitte Hiller, Alexander A. Osipov, Veronique Bernard, Alex H. Blin, Plenary Talk, International Meeting on Topics in Quantum Field Theory, 10-14 April 2006, Belo Horizonte, BH, Brazil

Multiquark interactions in effective theories of low energy QCD, Brigitte Hiller, Alexander A. Osipov, Veronique Bernard, Alex H. Blin, presented at the Encontro Nacional de Hadrões, Porto, 18 May 2006.


Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum VII, Açores, Ponta Delgada, 2-7 Set 2006, B. Hiller, “Effective multiquark interactions in low energy QCD”.


P_T fluctuations and multiquark clusters in heavy-ion collisions, W. Broniowski, B. Hiller, W. Florkowski, P. Bozek, Talk presented by W. Broniowski at the Workshop Fluctuations and Correlations in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions, Florence 8th July 2006.



Oral communications in national conferences


E. van Beveren, National Meeting of Hadronic Physics, March 26,th, 2004, LIP, Av. Elias Garcia, 14, 1o, Lisboa, Portugal.



4as Jornadas Sobre o Ensino das Ciências, Februari 26th - 27th, 2004, Tondela, Portugal. E. van Beveren, O Mesão Ds(2317).


Stanionary phase corrections in the process of bosonization of multi-quark interactions ,J. Moreira, A.A. Osipov, B. Hiller, A.H. Blin, Talk presented by J. Moreira at the Encontro Nacional de Hadrões, Porto, 18 May 2006.






E. van Beveren and G. Rupp, "W boson unitarity effects and  oscillations in the neutral Kaon system" , hep-ph/0308030.


M. D. Scadron, G. Rupp and E. van Beveren, "Delta I=1/2 enhancement and CP violation for K to pion-pion and K to pion-pion-gamma weak decays" , hep-ph/0310059.


N. Petropoulos, "Baryogenesis at the electroweak phase transition", hep-ph/0304275.


THE 'T HOOFT DETERMINANT RESOLUTION OF THE ETA-PRIME PUZZLE, Alexander A. Osipov, Alex H. Blin, Brigitte Hiller, hep-ph/0410148


E. van Beveren and G. Rupp, "O segredo do casamento e divórcio de um quark com um antiquark", entrevista por Teresa Firmino, Jornal "O Público", 24 Fev. 2004, pags. 26-27.


G. Rupp, F. Kleefeld and E. van Beveren, "Scalar mesons and Adler zeros", arXiv:hep-ph/0412078.


E. van Beveren and G. Rupp, "Investigadores portugueses conseguiram calcular massa do mesão Ds(2317)", entrevista por Abílio Ribeiro no programa "2010" do segundo canal do Rádio e Televisão de Portugal, RTP2, emitida em 1 e 3 de Agosto de 2003 e 2 e 4 de Janeiro de 2004.


The role of quantum fluctuations related to UA(1) breaking in the low lying mass spectra of QCD, A.A. Osipov, A.H. Blin and B. Hiller, Universidade de Coimbra (2004)





A.H. Blin, Some consequences of quantum fluctuations of the metric tensor, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco (2004)


E. van Beveren, A Liberdade Condicional dos Quarks (O Prémio Nobel da Física de 2004), Departamento de Física da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Porto, Porto, 3 de Novembro, 2004


E. van Beveren, A Liberdade Condicional dos Quarks (O Prémio Nobel da Física de 2004), Centro de Física das Interacções Fundamentais do Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa, 10 de Dezembro de 2004


E. van Beveren, A Liberdade Condicional dos Quarks (O Prémio Nobel da Física de 2004), Departamento de Física da Universidade, Coimbra, 10 November 2004


A.H. Blin, Últimas notícias do big bang (Recent news on the big bang), Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal (2004)


A.H. Blin, Porque não cai a Lua: confusões astronómicas (Why the Moon doesn't fall: astronomical confusions), 4as Jornadas sobre o Ensino das Ciências, Tondela, Portugal (2004)





PhD Theses


"Restauração de Simetrias Quirais em Meios Quentes e Densos e suas Manifestações em Propriedades Mesónicas", P. Costa, Tese de Doutoramento sob orienta‡ao de M.C. Ruivo, Universidade de Coimbra (2005)


Joao Miguel Moreira, Doctorate Thesis in hadron physics (in progress)


Angela Mestre Silveirinha, Doctorate Thesis in theoretical physics (in progress)




Master of Science thesis


Advisor: C. Providência: Estrelas de neutrões: equação de estado em modelos relativistas, João Miguel  Alves Moreira, bolseiro da FCT. Concluída em Abril de 2004.



Master in Physics Education theses:


Susana Cristina Correia S  Boloto, Mestrado em Ensino da F¡sica e Qu¡mica, "Einstein and his contribution to particle physics" (in progress)


D lia Jos‚ Santos Lourenço, Mestrado em Ensino da Física e Química, "Dispersão mesão-mesão" (in progress)



other theses


Advisor: E. van Beveren: Trabalhos Cientiíficos de Física dos Estágios na Escola Secudária de Tondela


Advisor: E. van Beveren: Marisa Marques Manso, "Em movimento da Terra para o Espaço, sempre em comunicação".


Advisor: E. van Beveren: Nuno Ricardo Chambel Bras Ferreira, "O laboratório ideal".


Advisor: A.H. Blin: Rui Manuel Mendes, Monography, Da estrela ao átomo (From star to atom) (2004)


Advisor: E. van Beveren: Trabalhos Cientiíficos de Física dos Estágios na Escola Secudária de Tondela


Advisor: E. van Beveren:  Cláudia Susana Mendes Neves, "Aprender como descobrir novidades"





Luís Filipe Matos, Dynamical properties of cross sections (finished, 20/20)





Nuno Serra Agostinho, "O nascimento e a vida das estrelas (Birth and life of stars)" (2005)


Nuno Manuel Santos, "Do  átomo às estrelas (From the atom to stars)" (2005)



Estágios Pedagógicos


Ana Dora Pontinha, "O efeito fotoeléctrico (The photoelectric effect)" (2005)


Maria de Fátima Pinto, "Vida e morte das estrelas segundo E=mc2 (Life and death of stars according to E=mc2)" (2005)


Ana Catarina Neves, "Teoria da Relatividade restrita (The theory of special relativity)" (2005)



Publications in 2002


Relativistic Thomas-Fermi description of Sm isotopes at finite temperature.
C. Providencia, D.P. Menezes , L. Brito, Nucl.Phys.A703:188-201,2002
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0108058


Rho omega mixing in the nonlinear Walecka model.
D. P. Menezes, C. Providencia


Note on the deformed boson scheme in four kinds of boson operators.
Atsushi Kuriyama, Constanca Providencia, Joao da Providencia, Yasuhiko Tsue, Masatoshi Yamamura,
PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS 108 (4): 783-787 OCT 2002 nucl-th/0207032


Deformed boson scheme including conventional q deformation in time dependent variational method. 4. The su(2)(q) and su(1,1)(q) algebras in four kinds of boson operators.
Atsushi Kuriyama, Constanca Providencia, Joao da Providencia, Yasuhiko Tsue, Masatoshi Yamamura, PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS 108 (2): 323-346 AUG 2002 nucl-th/0205022


On the multiboson coherent state in deformed boson scheme.
Atsushi Kuriyama, Constanca Providencia, Joao da Providencia, Yasuhiko Tsue, Masatoshi Yamamura,
PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS 107 (6): 1273-1278 JUN 2002, nucl-th/0202001


Kuriyama A, Providencia C, da Providencia J, et al.
Deformed boson scheme including conventional q-deformation in time-dependent variational method. III - Deformation of the su(2,1)-algebra in terms of three kinds of boson operators 


Kuriyama A, Providencia C
Note on the deformed boson scheme in time-dependent variational method 


Remarks on the f0(400-1200) scalar meson as the dynamically generated chiral partner of the pion.
Eef van Beveren, Frieder Kleefeld, George Rupp , Michael D. Scadron
Mod.Phys.Lett.A17:1673,2002 ,hep-ph/0204139


Scalar mesons within a model for all nonexotic mesons.
Eef van Beveren, George Rupp
Published in proceedings of the Workshop on Recent Developments in Particle and Nuclear Physics, April 30, 2001, Coimbra (Portugal) ISBN 972-95630-3-9, pages 1-16.
Contributed to Workshop on Recent Developments in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Coimbra, Portugal, 30 Apr 2001.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0201006


On the dominance of nonexotic meson meson scattering by s channel q anti-q confinement states and the classification of the scalar mesons.
Eef van Beveren, George Rupp
 AIP Conf.Proc.619:209-218,2002 Also in *Protvino 2001, Hadron spectroscopy* 209-218, hep-ph/0110156


Identifying the quark content of the isoscalar scalar mesons f(0)(980), f(0)(1370), and f(0)(1500) from weak and electromagnetic processes.
Frieder Kleefeld, Eef van Beveren, George Rupp, Michael D. ScadronPhys.Rev.D66:034007,2002 , hep-ph/0109158


Comment on 'Intrinsic and dynamically generated scalar meson states'.
George Rupp, Eef van Beveren , Michael D. Scadron, Phys.Rev.D65:078501,2002 ,hep-ph/0104087


Path integral bosonization of the 't Hooft determinant: fluctuations and multiple vacua.
Alexander A. Osipov, Brigitte HillerPhys.Lett.B539:76-84,2002, hep-ph/0204182


Comparing implicit, differential, dimensional and BPHZ renormalization.
M. Sampaio, A.P. Baeta Scarpelli, B. Hiller, A. Brizola, M.C. Nemes, S. Gobira, Phys.Rev.D65:125023,2002, hep-th/0203261


Implications of a new effective chiral meson Lagrangian.
Alexander A. Osipov, Marcos Sampaio, Brigitte Hiller, Nucl.Phys.A703:378-392,2002, hep-ph/0110285


Pion and rho meson observables in a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model including a tensor interaction.
M. Jaminon, M.C. Ruivo, C.A. de Sousa, Int.J.Mod.Phys.A17:4903-4925,2002


Kaons and pions in strange matter.
Pedro Costa, Maria C. Ruivo, Europhys.Lett.60:356-362,2002, hep-ph/0111301


On a possible scheme of q deformation of many boson systems in time dependent variational method.
Atsushi Kuriyama, Constanca Providencia, Joao da Providencia, Yasuhiko Tsue, Masatoshi Yamamura
Talk given at 26th International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories (CMT 26), Luso, Portugal, 2-7 Sep 2002.





Technical Reports, Seminars and Theses

in the period 1999-2001



Meson Physics

Publications in Journals


"Resonating mean field theoretic approach to the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model" ,

S. Nishiyama and J. da Providência,

Phys. Rev. C60 (1999) 065203.





"omega -> pi pi decay in nuclear medium",

W. Broniowski, W. Florkowski and B. Hiller,

Acta Phys. Pol. B 30, Nr. 4 (1999), 1080-1086.






"Meson properties in a renormalizable version of the NJL model",

A. Mota, M.C. Nemes, B. Hiller and H. Walliser,

Nucl. Phys. A 652 (1999), 73.



"Meson loop corrections in the NJL model",

F. Peña, M.C. Nemes, A.H. Blin, B. Hiller,

Braz. Journ. Phys. 29 (1999) 469-482.





"Kaons in a hot and flavor asymmetric medium",

M. C. Ruivo, C. A. de Sousa and C. Providência,

Nucl. Phys A651 (1999)59-70.



"Flavor symmetry correction to the naive Zweig rule for the scalar meson flavor singlet",

Eef van Beveren and George Rupp,

Phys. Lett. B54 (1999) 165-170



"Flavor Symmetry of Mesonic Decay Couplings"

Eef van Beveren and George Rupp,

Eur. Phys. J. C11 (1999) 717-728





"Comment on Understanding the Scalar Meson Q Anti-Q Nonet"

Eef van Beveren and George Rupp,

Eur. Phys. J. C10 (1999) 469-472


"Soliton formation in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model",

J. da Providência, H. Walliser and H. Weigel,

Nucl. Phys. A 671 (2000) 547.




"One-loop determinant of Dirac operator in non-renormalizable models",

A.A. Osipov, B. Hiller and A.H. Blin,

Phys. Lett. B475(2000) 324



"Effective Chiral Meson Lagrangian for the extended Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model",

A.A. Osipov and B. Hiller

Phys. Rev. D62 (2000) 114013-1-10.



"One loop fermion determinant with explicit chiral symmetry breaking",

A.A. Osipov and B. Hiller

Phys. Lett. B488 (2000) 299-302.


"Generalized Proper-Time Approach for the Case of Broken Isospin Symmetry",

A.A. Osipov and B. Hiller

Phys. Rev. D63 (2001) 094009.



"Matter induced omega -> pi pi decay",

W. Broniowski, W. Floriowski and B. Hiller,

Eur. Phys. J. A7 (2000) 287-291.



"Resonating mean-field theoretical description of pi and sigma mesons by the Nambu--Jona-lasinio model",

S. Nishiyama, J. da Providencia, O. Ohno

Nucl. Phys. A688 (2001) 882


"Consistency Relations for an Implicit n-dimensional Regularization Framework"

M. Sampaio, A. Scarpelli, M. C. Nemes

Phys. Rev. D63 (2001) (046004). M. Sampaio, A. Scarpelli, M. C. Nemes.



"Why the f(0) (980) is mostly \bar{s} s"

E. Beveren, G. Rupp and M.D. Scadron

Phys. Lett. B495 (2000) 300-302.


"The pionic width of the omega(782) meson within a well-defined, unitary quantum field theory of (anti-)particles and (anti-)holes",

F. Kleefeld, E. van Beveren, G. Rupp

Nucl. Phys. A694 (2001) 470


"Inverse mass expansion of the one-loop effective action",

A.A. Osipov, B. Hiller

Phys. Lett. B515 (2001) 458


"Large mass invariant asymptotics of the effective action",

A.A. Osipov, B. Hiller

Phys. Rev. D64 (2001) 087701


"Generalized proper time approach for the case of broken isospin symmetry",

A.A. Osipov, B. Hiller

Phys. Rev. D63 (2001) 094009


"Chiral anomaly and CPT invariance in an implicit momentum space regularization framework",

A.P. Baeta Scarpelli, M. Sampaio, B. Hiller, M.C. Nemes

Phys. Rev. D64 (2001) 046013


Publications in conference proceedings


"Invariant regularization of one-loop determinant in non-renormalizable models",

A.A. Osipov, B. Hiller and A.H. Blin

International Workshop on Hadron Physics, Coimbra 1999, eds. A.H. Blin, B. Hiller, M.C. Ruivo, C.A. Sousa and E. van Beveren, AIP Conf. Proc. 508 (2000) 283


"Pseudoscalar mesons in asymmetric matter",

M.C. Ruivo, P.F. Costa, C.A. de Sousa

Proceedings of Workshop on Quark Matter in Astrophysics and Particle Physics, Rostock, Germany, 27-29 Nov 2000, in press


"On the dominance of nonexotic meson-meson scattering by s channel q anti-q confinement states and the classification of the scalar mesons",

E. van Beveren, G. Rupp

Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy (Hadron 2001), Protvino, Russia, 25 Aug - 1 Sep 2001, in press


Preprints and e-prints


"Identifying the quark content of the isoscalar scalar mesons f(0)(980), f(0)(1370), and f(0)(1500) from weak and electromagnetic processes",

F. Kleefeld, E. van Beveren, G. Rupp, M.D. Scadron



"Modified Breit-Wigner formula for mesonic resonances describing Ozi decays of confined q anti-q states and the light scalar mesons",

E. van Beveren and G. Rupp



"Comment on 'intrinsic and dynamically generated scalar meson states'",

G. Rupp, E. van Beveren, M.D. Scadron



"Generalized proper time expansion of the effective action",

A.A. Osipov, B. Hiller



"rho ---> pi pi decay in nuclear medium",

W. Broniowski, W. Florkowski, B. Hiller





"International Workshop on Hadron Physics - Effective Theories of Low-Energy QCD, Coimbra 1999",

eds. A.H. Blin, B. Hiller, M.C. Ruivo, C.A. Sousa and E. van Beveren

American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 508 (2000)




Astrophysics and Gravitation


Publications in journals



"Nuclear Astrophysics Compilation of Reaction Rates",

C. Angulo, M. Arnould, M. Rayet, P. Descouvemont, D. Baye, C. Leclerq-Willain, A. Coc, S. Barhoumi, P. Aguer, C. Grama, C. Rolfs, R. Kunz, W. Hammer, A. Mayer, T. Paradellis, S. Kossionides, C. Chronidou, K. Spyrou, S. Degl'Innocenti, G. Fiorentini, B. Ricci, S. Zavatarelli, C. Providência, H. Wolters, J. Soares, J. Rahighi, A. Shotter and M. Lamehi Rachti,

Nucl. Phys. A656 (1999) 1



"Neutrino trapping and hybrid protoneutron star formation"

S. Epsztein, M.C. Nemes, H. Rodrigues, M. Chiapparini, S.B. Duarte, A.H. Blin and B. Hiller

Phys. Rev. D62 (2000) 123003.


Publications in conference proceedings


"Cosmological constant from quantum gravity",

 A.H. Blin

Proceedings of the European Space Agency Fundamental Physics Day, Coimbra, Portugal (2001), in press


Preprints and e-prints


"Fluctuations of the metric tensor and fermion propagators",

A.H. Blin

hep-ph/0010093 (2000)



"Cosmological constant from conformal fluctuations of the metric",

 A.H. Blin

astro-ph/0107503 (2001)



Nuclear Physics

Publications in journals


"Born-Oppenheimer Expansion: from muon distribution to dissipation in fission",

F.F. Karpeshin

Yad. Fiz. 63 (2000) 799. (English transl. Physics of Atomic Nuclei (USA), 63 (2000) 729).



"Internal Conversion to Bound Final States in 125Te",

M.R.Harston, T.Carreyre, J.F.Chemin, F.F.Karpeshin and M.B.Trzhaskovskaya.

Nucl. Phys. A676 (2000) 143.



"Fragmentation of the discrete ICC in multiconfiguration calculations of highly charged ions of 125Te45+",

I.M.Band, M.B.Trzhaskovskaya, F.F.Karpeshin and M.A.Listengarten,

Izv. Rossiisk. Akad. Nauk, Ser. Fiz. 64 (2000) 2.

(English transl. Bull. Russian Acad. Sci., Phys. Ser. (USA) 64 (2000) 1).




"Nucleation process in asymmetric nuclear matter",

D. Menezes and C. Providência,

Phys. Rev. C60 (1999) 024313



"Droplet formation in cold asymmetric nuclear matter",

D. Menezes and C. Providência,

Nucl. Phys. A650 (1999) 283



"Semiclassical description of nuclear matter according to the Waleck and the Zimanyi-Moszkowski model"

F. Salzedas,

Yad. Phys. 99 (1999) 819.



"First-Order Approximation of the Number-Projected SO(2N) Tamm-Dancoff Equation",

S. Nishiyama,

Int. J. Mod. Phys. E8 (1999)461



"Nonstatistical effects in fission of the 238U induced by 153-Mev protons",

F.F. Karpeshin, G. Ye. Belovitsky, V.N. Baranov and O.M. Steingrad,

Yad. Fiz. 62 (1999) 37 (Engl. transl. Physics of Atomic Nuclei (USA) 62 (1999) 1)



"On the question of electron bridge for the 3.5-ev isomer of 229Th",

F.F. Karpeshin, I.M. Band, M.B. Trzhaskovskaya and A. Pastor,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 83 (1999) 1072.



"3.5-ev isomer of 229mTh: how it can be produced''

F.F.Karpeshin, I.M.Band and M.B.Trzhaskovskaya,

Nucl. Phys. A654 (1999) 579



"Subbarrier conversion in 125Te45+''

F.F.Karpeshin, I.M.Band, and M.B.Trzhaskovskaya.

Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 116 (1999) 1565  (Engl. transl. JETP 89 (1999) 845)


"Caloric curve for finite nuclei in relativistic models"

By D.P. Menezes (Santa Catarina U.), C. Providencia (Coimbra U.). Sep 2001. 11pp.

Phys. Rev. C64 (2001) 044306


Preprints and e-prints



"Relativistic Thomas-Fermi description of Sm isotopes at finite temperature",

C. Providencia, D.P. Menezes, L. Brito (Coimbra U.)







Condensed Matter

Publications in journals


"Spin modes in polarized 3He clusters",

E.P. Bashkin, C. Providência and J. da Providência,

Phys. Rev. B 62 (2000) 3968.


"Long-wave fluctuations of the two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet"

V. Belinicher e J. da Providência,

Physica B 284-288 (2000) 1579-1580.



"Invariant spin coherent states and the theory of quantum antiferromagnet in a paramagnetic phase",

V. Belinicher e J. da Providência,

Pis'ma v ZhETF 7 (2000) 746.


"Droplet formation in cold asymmetric nuclear matter in the quark-meson-coupling model"

G. Krein, D.P. Menezes, M. Nielsen e C. Providência,

Nucl. Phys. A 674 (2000) 125.




"Condensed Matter Theories V. 13",

J. da Providência and F.B. Malik, ed., 

Nova Science Publishers, Commack, N.Y., 1998





Algebraic Models

Publications in journals


"On the q-Boson Realizations of the suq(2) and the suq(1,1) Algebras. The Marumori-Yamamura-Tokunaga Method",

A. Kuriyama, J. da Providência, Y. Tsue and M. Yamamura,

Prog. Theor. Phys. 101 (1999) 139.



"Instability of the thermal equilibrium state of the Lipkin model",

A. Kuriyama, J. da Providência, Y. Tsue and M. Yamamura,

Prog. Theor. Phys. 101 (1999) 1001.



"Parity-Projected Resonating Hartree-Fock Approximation to the Lipkin Model",

S. Nishiyama, M. Ido, K. Ishida(1999)

Int. J. Mod. Phys. E8 (1999) 443



"On the Schwinger boson representation of an extended (m+1)(n+1)-dimensional algebra containing the su(m+1)- and su(n,1)-algebra",

A. Kuriyama, J. da Providência and M. Yamamura,

Prog. Theor. Phys. 103 (2000) 285.



"A possible description of many-body systems composed of four kinds of boson operators - In relation to the su(2)- and su(1,1)-algrbraic models",

A. Kuriyama, J. da Providência and M. Yamamura,

Prog. Theor. Phys. 103 (2000) 305.



"The Lipkin Model in a New Boson Realization",

A. Kuriyama, J. da Providência and M. Yamamura,

Prog. Theor. Phys. 103 (2000) 733.



"On the coupling of two su(1,1) spins in the Holstein-Primakoff type boson representation",

A. Kuriyama, C. Providência, J. da Providência and M. Yamamura,

Prog. Theor. Phys. 104 (2000) 143.



"A note on a boson realization in many-boson systems",

A. Kuriyama, C. Providência, J. da Providência and M. Yamamura,

Prog. Theor. Phys. 104 (2000) 155.



"An orthogonal set constituted by eight kinds of boson operators",

A. Kuriyama, J. da Providência and M. Yamamura,

Prog. Theor. Phys. 104 (2000) 259-263.


"Utility of su(1, 1) algebra in a schematic nuclear su(2) model",

H. Akaike, Y. Tsue (Kochi U.), C. Providencia, J. da Providencia, A. Kuriyama, M. Yamamura

Prog. Theor. Phys. 105 (2001) 717.



"Approximate treatment of the time-dependent resonating Hartree-Fock theory. Application to the Lipkin model",

S. Nishiyama, J. da Providência and C. Providência

Acta Phys. Pol. B32 (2001) 1089


"Canonical representation of mixed state and irreducible representation of uM" algebra",

A. Kuriyama, J. da Providência and M. Yamamura

Progr. Theor. Phys. 141 (2001) 243


"A possible realization of Lipkin model for many-fermion system: the su(m+1) algebraic model in nonsymmetric boson representation",

A. Kuriyama, C. Providencia, J. da Providencia, Y. Tsue, M. Yamamura

Progr. Theor. Phys. 105 (2001) 933


"Time evolution of the coherent and the squeezed states of many body systems based on the basic idea of the boson mapping and the TDHF method",

A. Kuriyama, J. da Providencia, Y. Tsue, M. Yamamura

Progr. Theor. Phys. 141 (2001) 113


"Pairing Model and Mixed State Representation -- I",

A. Kuriyama, J. da Providência, Y. Tsue and M. Yamamura

Prog. Theor. Phys, 105 (2001) 729


"Deformed boson scheme in time dependent variational method. 1. The case of many obdy system constituted of one kind boson operator",

A. Kuriyama, C. Providencia, J. da Providencia, Y. Tsue, M. Yamamura (Kansai U.)

Progr. Theor. Phys., in print




"Deformed boson scheme in time dependent variational method. 2. Deformation of the su(2) algebra and the su(1, 1) algebra in the Schwinger boson representation",

A. Kuriyama, C. Providencia, J. da Providencia, Y. Tsue, M. Yamamura

Progr. Theor. Phys., in print



Preprints and e-prints


"Deformed boson scheme including conventional q-deformation in time-dependent variational method. 3.",

A. Kuriyama, C. Providencia, J. da Providencia, Y. Tsue, M. Yamamura



"A possible boson realization of generalized Lipkin model for many fermion system: the su(m+1) algebraic model in nonsymmetric boson representation",

A. Kuriyama, C. Providencia, J. da Providencia, Y. Tsue, M. Yamamura





Physics Education

Publications in journals


"A lei da conservação de energia: aplicação ao rolamento com e sem deslizamento",

C.A. de Sousa and E.P. Pina,

Gazeta de Fí sica 22 (1999) 10.


"Sobre alguns problemas de mecânica do 100 ano",

J. Tremoço e C.A. de Sousa,

Gazeta da Sociedade Portuguesa de Fí sica 23 (2000) 10.






"Campo electromagnético",

L. Brito, M. Fiolhais e C. Providência,

McGraw-Hill, Lisboa 1999


Other publications


"Introdução à Mecânica Quântica"

 A.H. Blin, J. Gomes Ferreira and A. Pedrosa Pinto,

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Série Didáctica - Ciências Puras 21 (2001)


"Introdução ao estudo do átomo",

A.H. Blin and J. Gomes Ferreira,

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Série Didáctica - Ciências Puras (in press)






Theses advised by members of the Center


PhD Theses




"Mesonic properties in the NJL model",

A. Mota.

Advisors: B. Hiller and M.C. Nemes.

finished 1999.



"A new method to treat divergent amplitudes in quantum field theory"

O. Battistel

Advisors: B. Hiller and M.C. Nemes

finished 1999. Thesis



"The role of neutrino confinement in supernova explosions: hybrid stars"

S.E. Grynberg

Advisors: M.C. Nemes and A.H. Blin

finished in 2000



"Closed timelike curves and quantum field theory in 2+1 gravity"

A. Cartaxo

Advisors: I. Bengtsson and A.H. Blin




Master of Science - Theoretical Physics


"Phase transitions in neutron stars"

C.A. Silva

Advisor: A.H. Blin.



"Lagrangianos quirais efectivos para QCD a baixas energias"

G.A. Silva

Advisors: A.A. Osipov and B. Hiller



"Mecanismo de GIM e mistura CKM"

M.J. Sampaio,

Advisor: E. van Beveren.

finished in 2000



"Neutron stars: equation of state in a relativistic approach"

J.M. Moreira

Advisor: C. Providência



"Temperature effects on the behavior of pions in neutron dense matter"

Pedro Costa

Advisor: M.C. Ruivo.

finished 2001



"Expansão 1/Nc no modelo de Nambu e Jona-Lasinio"

Â. Silveirinha.

Advisor: B. Hiller and A.A. Osipov.





Master of Science - Physics Education


"The teaching of mechanics in secondary schools"

J. Tremoço

Advisor: C.A. de Sousa




"History of Science and Physics Teaching"

J. Santos

Advisor: M.C. Ruivo



"Electromagnetism and its symmetries"

H.F. dos Santos

Advisor: B. Hiller

finished 2000



Diploma Theses (Licenciatura)


"O modelo de NJL equação de estado de estrelas de neutrões"

F. Carvalheiro

Advisors: B. Hiller and A.H. Blin.

finished 1999



"Estudo da situação experimental actual de dispersão mesão-mesão"

R.B. Guedes Jr.

Advisors: E. van Beveren



"O Modelo Padrão e além"

L.A. Fazendeiro

Advisors: E. van Beveren

finished 2000



"The quantization of gauge theories"

A.C. de Oliveira

Advisors: E. van Beveren

finished 2000



Orientation and Theses of Physics Teachers-in-Training




Paulo Carvalho

Advisor: A.H. Blin

finished 2001




Miguel Baptista

Advisor: A.H. Blin

finished 2001




Lino Laranjinha

Advisor: A.H. Blin

finished 2001




Silvino Rodrigues

Advisor: A.H. Blin

finished 2001