The puzzle of excessive non-DD component of
the inclusi-
ve ψ(3770) decay and the long-distant

In our recent work,
we suggested that the obvious discrepancy between theoretical prediction on
the non-DD
decays of ψ(3770) and data is to be alleviated by taking final state interaction (FSI)
into account. By assuming that ψ(3770) overwhelmingly dissociates into DD,
then the final state interaction induces a secondary process,
we calculate the branching ratios of ψ(3770)→ DD→
J/ψη, ρπ, ωη, K*K, KK .
Our results show that the branching ratio of
ψ(3770)→ non-DD
can reach up to
FSI=(0.4∼1.1)% while typical parameters
I=0.4 GeV-2 and α=0.8∼1.1 are adopted.
This indicates that the FSI is obviously non-negligible.