About education
- General Physics Lesson Plans of
ask ERIC, the Educational Resource Information Center of the
Department of Education of the United States of America.
- Physics Lecture Demonstrations of the University of California at
- Doctor
Clinton Sprott's
Wonders of Physics.
- Link to the OECD
Education Database.
Education Database provides internationally comparable
data on key aspects of
education systems.
OECD Member countries
co-operate to gather the information, to develop and apply common
definitions and criteria for the quality control of the data,
to verify the data and to provide the information necessary to
interpret the submitted data.
The database covers: enrolments, graduates and new entrants by sex,
age and level of education, teaching staff and expenditure.
The database is designed for use by both the Secretariat and Member
governments for policy analysis and to permit any one country to
compare itself with the others despite differences in institutional