Relatividade Geral
(Física e Engenharia de Física)
Exame: 11 de Junho às 9h30
Recurso: 2 de Julho às 9h30
Especial: 16 de Julho às 14h30
- Programa da cadeira do ano lectivo
- Sumários das aulas teóricas.
- Ficheiro em pdf da sebenta
"Some topics in Geometry and Gravitation"
- Ficheiro em pdf da sebenta
"Some notes on the Thomas precession"
- Ficheiro em pdf dos exercícios do
ano lectivo 2011-2012
- Ficheiro em pdf do exame do
ano lectivo 2011-2012
- Ficheiro em pdf do exame de recurso do
ano lectivo 2011-2012
Link to:
- The International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation
home page at the School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary,
University of London (UK)
- The International Numerical Relativity Group
home page at Potsdam/Germany and Washington University
- John Baez's
home page at University of California, Berkeley (US).
General Relativity
home page of the School of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of
St Andrews, Scotland (UK).
- The National Center for Supercomputing Applications
General Relativity
home page of the University of Illinois (US).
- The
Big Bang Theory of NASA.
- The
Big Bang Cosmology Primer by Paul Shestople of Integrating Science,
Teaching and Technology of the University of California, Berkeley (US).
- The
The Mysteries of Deep Space Timeline of the
Public Broadcasting Service.
Big Bang pages of Michael W. Guidry of the Theoretical and Computational
Physics Section, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and the Department of Physics
and Astronomy of The University of Tennessee, Knoxville (US).
- Ned Wright's
Cosmology Tutorial
by Edward L. Wright of the Astronomy Department
of the University of California, Los Angeles (US).
- The
Astronomy and Cosmology pages of netlab.
- The
Ocean Tides and Amphidromic Systems of Ellie Boyce.
- The
Gravitational Potential and Tidal Forces
of Department of Physics and Astronomy of University College London.
- The
Tidal Forces by Randy Russell.
A descriptive explanation of ocean tides by Donald E. Simanek.
Tidal Forces from Planetary Alignments
by John Caldwell of the South African Astronomical Observatory.